Saturday, January 17, 2015

Winter Blues

The first snow of winter can be exciting; the bracing cold, breath escaping in white puffs, the sound of snow being cleared off of streets, sidewalks and driveways, and the excited chatter as neighbors call out to each other as they engage in this individual communal task of winter.  With the next snowfall begins the descent into drudgery.

My backyard refilled by this second snowfall, the sun shining on this pristine scene, birds and wildlife eagerly engage in feeding and play.  Schools have not been cancelled for this and the sounds of school buses and children punctuate the morning routine.

Winter can be exciting, tedious, slow, embracing, and frightening.  The days grow slowly longer and winter wraps us in its fierce grasp.  Then, suddenly, the cold breaks, temperatures begin to rise, snow melts, and we are briefly wrapped in a strawberry spring; which soon passes as northern winds and arctic blasts  push through. 

In this yo-yo of changing weather  our moods often reflect the temperature and landscape changes.  Learning to balance can be tricky as deep winter arrives and holds us in its grip.  I sit observing life's play beyond my windows...

So today I awoke to mild temperatures, melting snow, sunshine, and the promise of a beautiful day.  Ah,a strawberry spring holds me in its gentle but fragile grip.  So I gather my resolve, carry only what is necessary in the moment, and step out to greet the opportunities that arise from this dawn of unknown possibilities. 

Good morning world....

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