Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Healing Power Of My Dreams

I must have my dreams if I am to live.  Dreams are the bridge that connects my waking life to my higher awareness.  My dreams are alive and filled with wisdom that often explains my world to my waking mind.  The people, events, all things in my dreams symbolize what I need to recognize and learn from in life.  

If I take the literal out of my dreams and look at their symbolic nature of what takes place in my dream scape I open to my inner wisdom.  Understanding and communicating with the symbols in my dreams allows me to move forward in my life's journey.  People, animals, things, and events in my dreams most often are mirrors of me and aspects of myself that I need to look at.  When I do this these dreams help me see a clearer picture of my life.  They show me where problems exist, actions I can take to resolve these things, and they introduce me to a deeper understanding of and relationship within my psyche.  

They bring me face to face with the shadow that I often try to avoid.  This avoidance I find often extends to my dream-time where I do my best not to have to connect or interact with this shadow.  Yet the shadow is an integral part of my psyche and when avoided it works harder to claim my attention.  When I accept that it wants and needs my attention it then gently moves into and takes its rightful place in my awareness.  It is my avoidance that creates resistance and struggle within me; when I relax into my resisting the struggle is resolved.  This recurs throughout my life as I move to deeper and deeper levels of awareness.

A recent dream of the young masculine energy resurfaced in my dreaming. (Post 12/4/14, Winter's Dark)  This is an energy that has stalked me throughout my adult life, and is one that I have negotiated and renegotiated with on my journey.  It has been a difficult energy for me to deal with, especially in the face that presents in my dreams, and I have often avoided it.  Recently it has become more persistent and I have had to work with this energy that I try to avoid in dreams.

At one point this energy and I engaged in conversation, but a few nights later I once again encounter this energy.  It is not threatening, only wanting to continue our conversation of the last time we met.  I am reticent and continue to try to avoid this until I find myself in a place that I have no way out, so I wake up to avoid the conversation.

My waking time leads me to explore more thoroughly my resistance in my dreaming of this energy.  A metaphor opens in my conscious awareness of the polarity of magnets.  I see two horseshoe magnets that I try to put together but I have the same poles lined up and they repel each other.  They cannot be forced together in this way.  When the opposite poles are placed together then an attraction is created and the magnets are pulled toward each other.  This gives me a conscious image for my unconscious struggle.  I have to change the charge of my own energy in the process of reintegration of this young male part of myself.  This conscious awareness can aid in my unconscious struggle.

Following this brief, but powerful, epiphany I have another dream with this energy. We are riding in a truck out in the country.  We are on a road, I am in the passenger seat looking out the right window, I see a beautiful tract of land.  It has gentle rolling hills, valleys, streams, and a river edging this property.  My young masculine energy is focused on driving and I remark on the beauty of the land we are passing.  He slows the truck near an intersecting road, pulls off onto a wider place in the road, and turns around into the other lane.  As we finish the turn I looked ahead and realized the land is familiar.  I thought that the road that was near where we pulled off to turn around looked like the land his family owns.  I remark on this and he says that it was but they no longer own it, and  they are no longer alive.  We complete our turn and drive back to the land I saw and commented on.  We drive into the property and I say that I wonder if I, being in a wheelchair, can handle this terrain.  He says this will not be a problem.  The dream fades, and I begin to come awake.

In this dream another level of integration takes place.  A gentle process that I need not avoid nor fear.  We have together found this beautiful, gently rolling property.  The part of my psyche that I have needed, especially since my stroke, has reintegrated with me, and together we will handle the terrain of my future.

I have gone down the rabbit hole - via my stroke (post 11/6/14) and have  returned.  The reclaiming of myself continues.  Dreams create a healing power by which lost and separated parts of me return.  This dream tells me that the past is not determining my present; only I can do that, and this integration with this lost male self furthers this reclamation.  My dreams connect me to the most treasured part of me, my instinctual self, where wisdom arrives slowly out of the dawn of an unknown ocean.




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