Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Decay of the Dream


Before parallel parking, before decay and blight a tiny jewel of a town rested atop the bluff that overlooked a majestic river.  There was hope and anticipation as the town’s young grew up with the belief that this place was their oyster and they would launch themselves from here.  Clear skies and bright days hung around their shoulders, and soft, moon filed nights crowned their youthful lives.
There were promises that life was good and the future assured.  

The summer of 1965 awoke
To corn fields and back roads
Of small town USA
It was the last summer of
My youth – my innocence
Spent in those fields and roads
Winding hollows and
Whispering hills
A river’s dance
Flowing placidly along
The banks of small town USA

It was a time of awakening
When those born from the
First wave of returning heroes
To reclaim their homes and family
Those born – baby boomers
And now in the summer of ‘65
They gained their fist right
Of Passage – into a new dawn

The world will long recall
And must remember
That passage of youth
That came with this first wave
I awoke to my passage
Coming from corn fields
And country roads
Awoke to a new dawn
Crackling forth from
Airwaves and college campuses

A summer to never be
Relived or repeated
A time of exploration
In this new dawn’s rights
Of passage
For a generation gone
Mad with the insanity
Of war, of prejudice,
Who held their
Elders accountable
For the sins of
The fathers

A generations whose
Voices rang out over decades
To be remembered
But it was the summer
Of 1965
And we were awakening
In the cornfields and back roads
Of small town USA

© 06/05/05

It was a good time to come of age in this small thriving community along the river that ran through the middle of this country; the mighty Mississippi. 

Today this town still exists but only as a shadow of its former glorious self.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Morning Letters

I am a morning writer.  I wake up and after a few moments, in which I pull my thoughts together, I begin my day.  Fifteen to twenty minutes of meditation starts this process, and then I move to my keyboard to capture the essence that is loosened from my sleep filled mind.  Thoughts, ideas, and treasures are transferred from my fingers, to my keyboard, and into my word processor. 
Years ago I offered a series of seminars designed for women to reclaim their instinctual, wild selves.  This was built around a day of intense self examination, rethinking, revisiting, relearning, and realizing that our instinctual, wild woman selves are in danger of extinction by our over domesticated and over analyzed society.  Polite society does not welcome this wild, untamed part of women into its life.  Wild Woman pushes this culture's boundaries, steps out of the box, and makes the institutions of our world extremely uncomfortable.

The book I am in the processing of editing "Gathering The Bones" is written and offers a different way for us, men and women, to look at, assimilate, and live with this wilder, untamed part of ourselves in today's world. 

Ah, perhaps that is the tag line to present to publishers???  Hmm - this sentence was written in that space of coming awake into this morning.  This thought took birth from my inner self through my fingers onto my keyboard and into my word processor.  It came in replying to a question from one of the editing readers of my book who inquired about this process for me.

These are the nuggets and treasures that I glean from my morning letters.