Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Renaissance Of Wonder

"Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see."
~Carl Jung~

So often we let expectations get in the way of recognizing the presence of synchronicity in our lives.  Expectations are thought up by the mind; synchronicity arrives through the heart.  In synchronicity we hear, see, and experience with our hearts.  We become a part of our stories and the stories live through us and no longer are just random words that pile up like dry leaves under a tree.... we begin to find wisdom in eyes that can now see.

When this happens we experience transformation in our lives.  We are now open to this guidance and no longer are hindered by expectations.  It is like watching a movie on a small black and white screen to seeing it on a huge wrap around screen in technicolor.  Life becomes completely alive.  We realize that all of life is teaching and we only need to be awake and aware to this process.

Every moment of life is here for our learning if we will learn. We truly learn as we become a part of the living stories that surround us.  This and these are   
synchronicity; when we understand that we are always at the perfect place in life to teach us.  We often fall into the flawed thinking of expectations and the thought that if only other circumstances would present themselves in life things would be better.  In fact a great deal of time and energy are often expended into this "what-iffing".

The what-ifs of life, along with jealousy and resentment, only lead to constant unhappiness.  These are expectations that hinder us on our paths to happiness.  We can't be happy if our lives are lived in expectation and comparison.  We will never be successful or happy in such an environment; success and happiness then are always waiting for us just around the corner and are NEVER now.

When synchronicity is an ever present reality our expectations no longer stand in the way of our happiness.  We realize that by being in each moment we are a part of our stories.  They take on life through us, are a part of us, and we are fully alive.  We experience a renaissance of wonder as we simply just live life without expectations.  A transformation takes place as the center of our being moves from a thought centered to a heart centered life.  

Being in the moment allows us to remain in this renaissance of wonder where all things are possible.

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