Monday, August 25, 2014

A Peaceful Warrior

"The idea of one side suffering defeat while the other side triumphs is out of date. Instead we have to develop dialogue. We have to make an effort if we want a peaceful, more compassionate world. It requires education, based on patience, tolerance and forgiveness. Too often violence results from greed, so we also need contentment and self-discipline." ~ Dalai Lama~

Imagine a world without winners or losers; a world where we learn to exist in harmony with all other things; a world whose underlying teachings taught patience, tolerance, and love...what a world that would be.  As we learn this we begin to eradicate the core of suffering and separation from all things.  We accept each other as we are and by practicing this we begin to find self-discipline and contentment.  

To follow these teachings leads to becoming peaceful warriors in every aspect of living.  We advocate for peace rather than violence.  We let go of our need to be right and realize there is no right or wrong way, there is only THE WAY. Realizing that there is no right or wrong way we are confident that all teachings have a purpose and fit into the greater story of existence.  

Each of us are on a journey home.  We are walking our paths toward the top of the mountain and there is no right or wrong path.  A story tells of each person on their path and the only ones who are wrong are those who run around the base of the mountain telling others that they are on the wrong path. 

No one is on a wrong path; we each are on the perfect path for our learning and lessons through this lifetime.  Hatred, violence, and rage are lessons we all are working on.  Realizing this and working with and through these emotions, which are our teachers, is how we learn to mitigate suffering in the world.  We can give into these emotions and react to their hold on us, or we can understand why and where these feelings begin and learn to respond to them in proactive ways. As we walk our path in life these lessons are always there to teach us.

Peaceful warriors are those who stand strong in their advocating for an end to violence, but who do not resort to violence in their advocating.  A difficult but courageous act.  Hate is a strong enemy and in standing against it we as peaceful warriors must not be consumed or seduced into its illusion of power. The only power in hate is rage and in the end this leaves us powerless against these emotions and a pawn to their manipulations.  There really is no true power there.

Love and compassion hold true power.  When we let go of hating and surrender to love and compassion the essence of their true power holds us.  When we give up fear we will never have to give up another thing in our lives.  I believe that is the mantra of the peaceful warrior....

Love is the guiding emotion of each peaceful warrior.  To wake each morning and give thanks for love, to stop at midday and contemplate love, and to sleep with the thought of love in our hearts and praise to love on our lips.  As we immerse ourselves in love we grow stronger in our belief of non-violence as THE WAY; not the right or wrong way but THE WAY.  Love has no desire other than to fulfill itself, and thus IT IS THE WAY OF THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR.    

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