Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Are You....

Running From Fear?

Anxiety controls you.  Your life seems too busy to stop and smell the roses along the way; how sad.  It brings tears to my eyes to watch you run from thing to thing and never truly touch the essence of all you involve yourself with. I ask why?
“Illusion surrounds you like smoke and mirrors”, and you take no time to process and assimilate the life that touches you.  Do the moment and the beauty frighten you and are you fearful that if you stop you will be consumed be all that you see, touch, feel…..?

If so then you are missing the point of the journey.  Your constant planning, always moving, never stopping has already consumed you, and that becomes the defense to slowing, stopping, and being present in the moment.  You might ask yourself why? 

It takes silent courage to face this question; to ask yourself alone, and to seek the answers alone without the reassurance of an audience.  This self question can lead to the feeling of anxiety, isolation, and the sensation of not being able to breathe.  This is a frightening question but if you brave the anxiety it will produce you will learn a great deal about who you are.

This question won’t kill you although the resulting anxiety may fool you into thinking that it will.  It takes courage to with quiet strength face your inner fears, illusions, and misconceptions.  It seems easier to distract with frantic movement and constant activity than to sit quietly with your feelings.  You are drawn to the flame but you resist. 

You come close only to flee back into your activity; the contrived busyness of your life.  This chaff and dross weigh you down, but they have become familiar weights in your life, they are known, and the thought of shedding them produces anxiety.  Your anxiety interferes with your becoming free and you allow the safety of the known, anxiety, to dictate your response to freedom.  You are your own prison and you hold the key to your release.  Only you can put the key in the locked door and step free of the gilded iron bars of your cage. Are you ready to do this? 


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